Company guide >> Step by step approach >> Assess chemicals management hotspots and customer unmet needs >> Assess hotspots
Assess hotspots
Here one will learn how to:
- Collect information on production processes and the chemicals used.
- Identify Chemicals of High Concern (CoHC) and Chemicals of Concern (CoC)
- Map the life cycle stages of the most important processes, specifying inputs and outputs and categorizing impacts (resource consumption, pollution and ecosystem impacts, health and safety, economic factors).
- Characterize and assess the chemicals management impacts.
- Prioritize causes of significant impacts as chemicals management hotspots
Deliverables of this part
Summary table of chemicals management hotspots within the company and across the product’s life cycle
Follow the key tasks:
- Carry out the pre-assessment audit: identify Chemicals of High Concern and operational challenges
- Assess the chemicals management impacts at the company
- Assess the chemicals management impacts across the product’s life cycle
- Determine the chemicals management hotspots to be targeted for improvement
See the respective presentation to learn more:
Assess hotspots
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