Learning materials
Learning materials
Step by step approach
Get started
Get started | B11_Get started_final.pdf.pdf |
Assess hotspots and unmet needs
Assess hotspots | B12_1_Assess_hotspots_F.pdf |
Assess customer unmet needs | B12_2_Assess customer unmet needsF.pdf |
Generate options
Generate innovative options | B13_1_Generate options_F.pdf |
Brainstorming | B13_2_Brainstorming innovation_F.pdf |
Select options
Select options | B14_1_Select options_F.pdf |
Implement and monitor
Implement and monitor | B15_1_Implement-monitor_F.pdf |
Review and improve
Review and improve | B16_1_Review-improve_F.pdf |
Technical resources
Green Chemistry and chemical process improvement
Introduction to Green Chemistry techniques | C11_1_Intro to GC techniques_F.pdf |
Green Chemistry impacts in batch chemical processing | C11_2_GC impacts_F.pdf |
Substitution of chemicals | C12_1_Moving towards safer chemicals_F.pdf |
Secondary raw materials | C13_1_Secondary Raw Materials (Polymers)_F.pdf |
Resource-efficiency potential | C21_1_RE benchmarks_FINAL-WEB.pdf |
Good practice | C21_2_Good practice overview_F.pdf |
Introduction to cleaning | C22_0_Introduction to cleaning_F.pdf |
VOC abatement techniques | C22_1_VOC Abatement Techniques _F.pdf |
VOC substitution techniques | C22_2_VOC Substitution Techniques _F.pdf |
Cleaning in place | C22_3_Cleaning-in-Place_F.pdf |
Product recovery | C22_4_Product Recovery_F.pdf |
Hazard Management
Operational Excellence
Introduction to Operational Excellence | E11_1_Intro to Operational-Excellence_F.pdf |
Value stream mapping | E12_1_Value-Stream-Mapping-F.pdf |
Production planning optimization | E13_1_Production planning optimization_F.pdf |
Other materials
Company assessment template – for NCPC | Company innovation assessment template-NCPC.pdf.pdf |